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Freehold: Sheriff Shaun Golden is asking residents to clean out their medicine cabinets. On April 25, from 10am to 2pm, the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office will be participating in the American Medicine Chest Challenge. That’s the day to dispose of unused, unwanted and expired medications at drug take back locations. “The Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office is always eager to participate in such an important event which raises awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse.” said Sheriff Shaun Golden. “Prescription drugs are considered a gateway drug to other serious and dangerous street drugs, such as heroin. The program enables us to get our unwanted, unused and expired medicine out of our homes and away from our youths to be properly disposed of by law enforcement.”

This year, the drug take back procedure is even easier. All residents have to do is bring their expired or unused medicine to the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Public Safety Center, located at 2500 Kozloski Rd., Freehold, and place it in the drop box site inside the front entrance to the building.
According to the DEA, the goal of drug take back programs allows residents to deliver these medications to law enforcement officials who can dispose of the medications in a safe and non- hazardous manner, preventing them from falling into the hands of youths.

Sheriff's Office Medicine Drop Box jpg

“It is important that the public become aware of the growing problem of prescription drug abuse among teens,” said Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, CEO, Preferred Behavioral Health Group. “I commend the sheriff’s office for its participation with this program, since it’s vital that unused, unwanted and expired drugs in medicine cabinets do not end up in the wrong hands.”

If residents are unavailable to participate on the actual drop off day of April 25, the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office drop box is accessible Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm year round. Please be sure to utilize the permanent location site in an effort to prevent prescription drug abuse.

News Release – Sheriff’s Office to Participate in American Medicine Chest Challenge