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The New Jersey County Officers Association is once again sponsoring a Poster Contest to commemorate County Government Week (May 3-9, 2009). Since the majority of fourth graders study the State of New Jersey as part of their social studies curriculum, Sheriff Kim Guadagno along with County Clerk Claire French and County Surrogate Rosemarie Peters are inviting students to enter the contest called “My County.” All school principals in Monmouth County are being asked to get each fourth grade student involved by creating his or her own poster that relates to Monmouth County.

County Officers Association members in each of the New Jersey’s 21 counties will select a winning poster from the entries in their county. The child with the winning poster from each county will be given a certificate and invited to meet the Sheriff, County Clerk and County Surrogate.

Posters must be mailed or delivered to the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office no later than April 24th, 2009 at 50 East Main Street, Freehold, N.J. 07728. Posters must be on standard 22″ X 28″ poster boards, with the name of Monmouth County at the top of the poster in 4-inch letters with black marker. The student’s name, teacher’s name and school must be printed neatly in the lower right hand corner on the back of the poster.

For more details on the poster contest log onto or contact Michelle Tucker at (732) 577-5744.