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Sheriff Announces Citizen Police Academy/Law Enforcement Mini Academy

Sheriff Shaun Golden’s Citizen Police Academy/ Law Enforcement Mini Academy offers county residents ages 14 and above a unique opportunity to learn about the complex roles of modern-day law enforcement agencies. Speakers from municipal, county, state and federal agencies provide insight into their roles in law enforcement as well as the role of citizens in assisting in those agencies in the war against crime and terrorism.

Enrollment in this course involves a 6 week commitment to attend weekly classes at the Monmouth County Police Academy. Topics include Internet Dangers and Safety Measures, Foreclosures, Distracted Driving, Safe CARGO, CarFit,  Importance of Fitness in Public Safety, Gang Awareness, Tour of the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, Tour of the STARS Building, K-9 demo, Tour of the Sheriff’s Public Safety Center, Vehicle Display and Volunteer Opportunities.

Citizen Police Academy/Law Enforcement Mini Academy (2018) will have 6 sessions. Each session will take place on Thursday evening from 5:30 PM to approximately 7:30 PM. The first session is on Thursday, May 3rd and continues every Thursday until graduation on June 7th.

Applications can be obtained from the Sheriff’s Office Website,, click on community outreach, then click on Citizen Police Academy/Law Enforcement Mini Academy, or call Kathy Morrison at 732-431-6400 extension 1122.

For a downloadable version of this press release, click here:  News Release Sheriff’s Office Announces Great Opportunity for Adults & HS Students to Learn About Law Enforcement