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Sheriff Adds New K-9 Team to Continue In The Fight Against Crime

Hamilton: Sheriff Shaun Golden is pleased to announce the newest team to the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit. Sheriff’s Officer Ralph Irizzary and his K-9 Fuze, a two year old German shepherd, graduated from the New Jersey State Police Canine Training Academy on June 17, after 33 weeks
Fuze 1of intense training in explosive detection and patrol.

“It’s an honor to welcome this highly trained K-9 team to our unit,” said Sheriff Shaun Golden. “S/O Ralph Irizzary and his partner Fuze will prove to be a great asset to Monmouth County and local police departments when it comes to bolstering homeland security capabilities, by playing a  vital role in protecting our county against criminal and terroristic threats.”

During the graduation ceremony, held in Hamilton Township, 22 teams received diplomas. They  met all the requirements set forth by the State of New Jersey, Office of Attorney General guidelines.

The K-9 graduate teams, trained through tracking scent and patrol, consisted of 16 explosive detection teams, two explosive/patrol teams, two  narcotics detection teams, two  narcotics/ patrol teams and five patrol teams. They trained on New Jersey State Police boats, at Liberty State Park and in vacant buildings and lots. The academy also focused on case law, crime scene preservation, basic obedience, agility, environmental training and socialization with crowds.


“I’m grateful to the MFuze 2onmouth County Sheriff’s Office for providing Fuze and me with this great opportunity, and, proud to be a part of our explosive detection team, specializing in response when dealing with potentially dangerous situations,” said S/O Ralph Irizzary.

The Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office K-9 unit presently consists of 7 handlers and 8 K-9s The Unit includes 2 explosive/patrol teams, 3 narcotics/patrol teams, 1 explosive team, 1 tracking team and 1 narcotics team.

They are called upon year-round to assist local police departments with narcotics detection, explosive detection and criminal or missing person searches. In 2015, the K-9 unit responded to 109 explosive calls, 212 tracking calls and 256 narcotics calls. They presented a total of 147 K-9 demos.

For a downloadable version of this press release. click here: Sheriff Adds New K-9 Team to Continue In The Fight Against Crime