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Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Officers Graduate

Freehold: Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden is proud to announce the graduation of 46 recruits from the 34th Basic Course for County Corrections Officers. The graduation, held at the Monmouth County Police Academy on April 28, comes after the completion of an intense 12 week curriculum that prepares recruits for careers as corrections professionals.

“It takes dedication, courage and compassion to have a career in law enforcement,” said Sheriff Shaun Golden.  “As these corrections officers join the ranks of professional men and women, those values will guide them in safeguarding lives and property and preserving peace in a correctional environment. I commend the family and friends of today’s graduates for the support they provided to each of these young men and women during the past 12 weeks of transition from recruit to corrections officer,”

Of the 46 recruits, 12 will serve at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, headed by Acting Warden Barry Nadrowski. MCCI is nationally accredited in corrections and correctional healthcare, and, houses up to 1,328 inmates. Thirteen will serve at the Middlesex County Department of Corrections, nine will serve at the Ocean County Department of Corrections, six will serve at the Mercer County Correction Center Department of Public Safety and six will serve at the Union County Department of Corrections.

Training for the Basic Course for County Corrections Officers is coordinated by Staff Sgt. Christopher Citarella of the Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office, Corrections Division. 

Throughout the 12 weeks, the corrections officers engaged in physical training and drill and learned how to properly use firearms, batons, handcuffing techniques and mechanical restraints. They were also trained in unarmed self-defense and emergency medical response.

Classroom instruction included topics on law enforcement and ethics, stress management, contraband and evidence processing, characteristics of inmates and drug interdiction and identification.

“Corrections officers deserve our utmost respect and admiration for their services in dealing with individuals whom have made poor choices in life,” said Freeholder Deputy Director John P. Curley.  “By their demeanor and dedication to the safety and security of all within the correctional institution, corrections officers are the sentinels of security ensuring that those in their charge will be treated with fairness and dignity.”

“This is a proud moment for the graduates and their family members,” said Freeholder Thomas A. Arnone. “The journey was long and filled with challenges, but all of the recruits have proven that they have met those challenges and made a commitment to serve others. I congratulate our graduates as they take their place alongside their counterparts in law enforcement patrol ensuring the safety and security of both the public and inmates.”

  The presentation of awards went to Victor Iannello, Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office, Corrections Division for marksmanship, Ivan Solares, Middlesex County Department of Corrections, for academics, Nicholas Pacinda, Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office, Corrections Division for physical training and Michael Morris, Middlesex County Department of Corrections for merit. To date, 665 corrections officers have completed the Basic Course for County Corrections at the Monmouth County Police Academy.

                     34th Basic Course for County Corrections Officers

Rachel A. Adams

Matthew T. Boehler

Patrick F. Brennan

Cynthia M. Buckel

Silas R. Cardozo

Brandon E. Cerreta

Kevin J. Costa

Frank F. Crisafi

Scott J. Ferguson

Edgar Gonzalez, Jr.

Robert C. Harris

Scott T. Hunterton

Victor J. Iannello

Jeremy L. Klempner  

Lukasz Kulis

Lindsey A. Kunze

Kevin T. LeBrun

Pablo Leon, Jr.

Jennifer Long

Luis R. Lopez

Giorgio M. Maris

Darnell J. McDonald

Daniel W. McGettigan, Jr.

John J. McKiernan, III

Michael J. Morris

Nicholas J. Orak

Nicholas A. Pacinda

Paul Palma

Ryan E. Penkola

Manuel Y. Perez

Lindsay H. Polak

Daniel M. Pollin

Orlando J. Santiago

Kevin L. Savoia

Mercer County Correction Center Department of Public Safety

Middlesex County Department of Corrections

Middlesex County Department of Corrections

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

Middlesex County Department of Corrections

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

Union County Department of Corrections

Ocean County Department of Corrections

Ocean County Department of Corrections 

Union County Department of Corrections

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

Middlesex County Department of Corrections

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

Middlesex County Department of Corrections

Mercer County Correction Center Department of Public Safety

Ocean County Department of Corrections                

Middlesex County Department of Corrections         

Mercer County Correction Center Department of Public Safety   

Union County Department of Corrections

Mercer County Correction Center Department of Public Safety

Union County Department of Corrections                

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division     

Union County Department of Corrections                   

Ocean County Department of Corrections                   

Middlesex County Department of Corrections         

Middlesex County Department of Corrections         

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division     

Middlesex County Department of Corrections

Mercer County Correction Center Department of Public Safety    

Union County Department of Corrections                

Middlesex County Department of Corrections         

Middlesex County Department of Corrections         

Mercer County Correction Center Department of Public Safety    

Middlesex County Department of Corrections


Dennis J. Gleason

Ryan P. Hoban

Timothy M. Long

Jordan C. McGhee

Milton Roman, III

Robert E. Velasquez

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

Ocean County Department of Corrections

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division

For a downloadable version of this press release, click here: News Release – MCSO Corrections Officers Graduate