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Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden is proud to announce that VISCOMP (Volunteers in Sheriff’s Community Programs), is in its fifth year and continues to grow. VISCOMP began in 2009 and is a major asset throughout Monmouth County by assisting the sheriff’s office in community outreach programs.

“VISCOMP began with ten volunteers and today we have 44 dedicated individuals who participate in the program,” said Sheriff Shaun Golden. “These trained volunteers supplement regular staff in delivering programs to the residents of Monmouth County that otherwise may have been cut due to budget constraints. For that, I’m grateful to all of our volunteers.”

The volunteers have been trained on important educational and safety programs the sheriff’s office has to offer, which include the SEEK 9-1-1 (Sheriff’s Emergency Education for Kids) Program that teaches first graders how to properly use the 9-1-1 emergency number, the agency’s identification card programs for seniors (Ident Adult), children (Youth ID), handicapped individuals (Special Person ID) and those with certified medical conditions (Medical Alert Card). Additionally, the volunteers have assisted in the filing and copying of records, clean communities projects and other volunteer opportunities including the Office of Emergency Management as shelter operation assistants and OEM emergency call takers. Several assisted at the OEM Center during Superstorm Sandy.


To date, the program has provided a total of 3061 volunteer hours. VISCOMP member Richard Eisenbeis of Aberdeen, a retired school teacher who conducts the SEEK 9-1-1 programs has donated over 828 hours.

“Being a part of SEEK 9-1-1 helps ensure the safety of children and their families,” said Richard Eisenbeis. “That effort alone makes volunteering quite rewarding, and, it also provides me with the feeling that I’m giving something back to the community.”

The Monmouth County Sheriff’s Office VISCOMP program grew out of the agency’s annual Citizen Police Academy, an eight week program that educates citizens on law enforcement in Monmouth County. Graduation from Citizen Police Academy remains a prerequisite for participation as a volunteer. In 2008, many of the classes were designed to prepare those who attended as possible volunteers for the new program. Those classes included Basic First Aid, CPR certification and an overview of the various programs that the sheriff’s office conducts throughout the county. In addition, the requirements include an application for participation as a volunteer, a background check, attendance at VISCOMP training programs when scheduled and the participation in a minimum number of programs annually to maintain VISCOMP status.

“The dedication and commitment from these volunteers helps the sheriff’s office continue and expand the many safety programs we offer throughout the county,” said Sheriff Golden.

News Release-Sheriff’s Office Acknowledges Dedicated Volunteer Program