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The Monmouth County Correctional Institution is taking every precaution to protect against the spread of the H1N1 virus. All the established medical protocols are in place in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control.
There are three confirmed cases of H1N1 at the jail, and all have received the proper medical care. As a precaution, anyone who is exhibiting flu like symptoms is also being treated for the H1N1 virus.

The steps being taken to ensure the health and well being of the inmate population and staff at the jail are as follows:

  • Medical staff is educating, officers, civilian staff and inmates about H1N1
  • All housing areas are being thoroughly disinfected twice per day and are equipped with disinfectant soap
  • Corrections officers and inmate workers are wearing protective masks and gloves
  • All inmates from one housing area with confirmed cases of H1N1 are in isolation, restricted to their cells except to take showers
  • Inmates exhibiting flu like symptoms from other housing areas are in isolation, restricted to their cells except to take showers
  • Meals are being served on paper plates
  • All programs outside housing areas have been cancelled for the week of November 16-20
  • All visiting hours have been cancelled for the week of November 16-20
  • Pastoral and attorney visits will continue in a separate room in the housing areas with masks and gloves provided
  • Inmates will not be allowed to attend court hearings if they exhibit any flu like symptoms
  • Judges, attorneys, public defenders as well as the staff at the Monmouth County Courthouse and the detention area are being notified
  • The jail will continue to accept county inmates but is not accepting contracted inmates
  • No inmate will be released without the proper medical clearance
  • Jail officials have met with all the unions to review the established protocol

The Monmouth County Correctional Institution will continue to educate the staff and inmate population regularly and respond efficiently to any cases or concerns regarding the H1N1 virus.