Inmate Visitation


All individuals visiting inmate(s) are required to register for every visit. This registration will occur on-site at the visit hall during the visitation hours below. 

All visitors who enter the building will be run for warrants and detained if any outstanding warrants are found.

Click here to view dress code for inmate visitors

The main contact number for the Monmouth County Correctional Institution is 732-431-7860.

Visitation Hours

For up-to-date visit information please contact visits directly @ 732 431- 7860 EXT. 1421

The below listed safety protocols have been established to ensure a safe and healthy environment while visiting friends and family as every visitor’s health and safety is our main concern.

Please note that the safety protocols listed below, will be strictly enforced so please familiarize yourself.

  1. All visits must be pre-approved.
  2. All visitors must produce photo identification.
  3. There will be a limit of two (2) adults or one (1) adult and one (1) child per visit.
  4. All visitors must be on time. Any visitor that arrives beyond the scheduled time, will be denied entrance to the Visit Hall.
  5. All visitors must remain in their vehicles and wait to be called in by one of the Visit Officers. Congregating outside of the Visit Hall entrance will not be permitted. If a visitor is arriving by public transportation, please advise the Visit Officer upon arrival and he/she will provide direction a that time.
  6. All visitors will have their temperature taken prior to admittance of the Visit Hall. Anyone who has a temperature of 99.5 or above, will be denied entrance to the Visit Hall.  If a visitor is carpooling with another visitor that has a temperature of 99.5 or above, that visitor will also be denied admittance to the Visit Hall. Any visitor refusing to have their temperature taken will be denied admittance to the Visit Hall and the visit will be canceled.
  7. All visitors aged three years and over, must wear a protective facemask at all times. Failure to follow this protocol will result in the visit being terminated.
  8. There will be no walk up visitation request permitted. All visitation is pre-scheduled in an effort to permit all inmates housed at MCCI an equal opportunity to have visitation with friends and family.
  9. The inmates will be scheduling the visits. Once the visit has been approved it will be the responsibility of the inmate to advise his/her visitors.
  10. Once a visit is scheduled, it cannot be changed for another time slot on that day. The inmate can submit another request for another day.

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone involved.

Visitation Rules

Individuals registering for a visit must be at least 18 years of age with a valid us government issued photo ID.

Each visitor may visit one male and one female per day. 

Minors wishing to visit parents must have minor’s original birth certificate

Inmates are allowed only one visit a day.

Nothing can be passed to or from the inmate during visits

Each visitor will go through a metal detector and the following items are NOT allowed in the Visit Hall:

  • cell phones
  • cigarettes
  • lighters
  • matches
  • food
  • drinks
  • bags
  • weapons

Once you enter the visiting hall, you may not leave until your visit is over.

Money orders or certified checks made out to the inmate/detainee can be brought to visits during regular hours and to booking at all other times.  No other forms of payments will be accepted.

Payments by credit card can be sent via

Copyright © 1996-2025 - Monmouth County Sheriff's Office, 2500 Kozloski Road, Freehold, NJ 07728